Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happiest Baby in the World

And the parents are pretty thrilled too. I swear I've never met a happier baby. Not one tear has been cried in a very stressful day. Zara is beautiful, healthy, and full of giggles. We are so blessed and happy that she isn't traumatized. You should hear the hallways at the hotel. Definitely a different story. Here's hoping she'll remain such a happy little darling.

The trip to Civil Affairs was a real no-brainer. We met in the lobby, boarded a green bus, and 20 minutes later we stepped off the bus. Next we took an elevator to the 3rd floor of a government building and within 5 minutes we met Zara or Zara Noelle Lanxin M. She was wearing Santa pants!!! (pictures in the Travel Journal section of the blog).

Alina is so happy. She's been very affectionate, sisterly and protective. She's a huge help. When we returned to the hotel they were cleaning our room so we headed straight for the playroom (pictures in the Travel Journal section of the blog).

Well, that's it for now. Lots of site seeing, shopping at WalMart (War-Mart) and other fun things to come as we wait for Zara's passport to be processed. Then we head to the famous White Swan hotel in Ghuanzhou for Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone!!


Jane said...

You've brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat as I read this morning that you have baby Zara. She's adorable! Alina you look like the perfect big Sis. Congratulations to all of you. I know this will be your best Christmas ever.
Love, Jane

Andrea said...

What great news for a Monday morning! Congratulations - we are all very happy for you.

Cheryl said...

We are so excited to see you all so happy. We cannot wait to meet Zara. She looks very happy. We are also so proud of Alina. Thank goodness you have her to help. Tristan is afraid Alina will forget her since she is in China. I reassured her that would not happen. We miss you all and can't wait for you to come home. Congratulations on a much anticipated event. Love, Brian, Cheryl, Colin and Tristan

TinaVaziri said...

I am so excited and happy for you! Very glad that everything is going smoothly, and Zara looks beautiful!
Take care,

Scott said...

Great pictures...looks like y'all are having a wonderful time. Merry Christmas (a little late). Be safe and we will see you in the new year.


Welcome Home Zara

Welcome Home Zara
Alina paints a banner to welcome home baby Zara.

Meeting Zara

Meeting Zara
Here we are at Civil Affairs to meet Zara for the first time.

Good Dog

Good Dog
Fantastic book.

Zara Lan Xin

Zara Lan Xin
Zara's referral pictures received on 11/2/06.


We'll miss you sweet Boo.