Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Writing about work: NetFlow Monitoring

Posted this story about Cyber Monday shopping to Network Performance Daily.

"The good news is, it’s not too late to mitigate the risks associated with the upcoming Super Bowl blitz that we wrote about on the Network Performance Daily blog last year. By putting your network monitoring tools to good use now, you can examine exactly how your network performs when a large spike in traffic occurs - so that you know what to do to be ready for the next spike in traffic when it occurs. Specifically, NetQoS advises network engineers to take action now to:

analyze network traffic flows with to identify recreational network traffic
quantify its impact on network performance
and implement quality of service policies to ensure business-critical applications have priority access to network resources
Admittedly, this is not the trickiest of problems to solve. You just need the right tools. As we detail in this best practices white paper on most of this online traffic is fairly easy to identify and measure if you are using NetFlow and a NetFlow monitoring NetFlow Monitoring product like NetQoS ReporterAnalyzer to analyze traffic. It’s also, in most cases, predictable – you know that every Monday after Thanksgiving, there will be a higher volume of Internet traffic. You know that the Super Bowl and March Madness will also have an impact. But do you know how much of an impact and how to prevent it from impacting application performance for those workers who are actually working? Do you know what you will need to do to mitigate risks?
network management software

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Welcome Home Zara

Welcome Home Zara
Alina paints a banner to welcome home baby Zara.

Meeting Zara

Meeting Zara
Here we are at Civil Affairs to meet Zara for the first time.

Good Dog

Good Dog
Fantastic book.

Zara Lan Xin

Zara Lan Xin
Zara's referral pictures received on 11/2/06.


We'll miss you sweet Boo.