Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Easing the Long Wait

There's only one thing that can help ease the pain of waiting for your adopted baby - a baby. My big girl Alina would be mortified to hear that I might possibly think of her as a baby, so I had to get creative.

Fortunately, I have a house full of babies thanks to Lil' Paws Maltese rescue, an organization that I have become involved with lately. My favorite is Boo, our 12 year old little Chihauhua/Poodle mix. She's only 5 pounds and loves to have her tummy rubbed. She will just sleep in my arms all day long. Definitely the baby fix I needed to keep my sanity. We also permanently adopted Maybelle and Junebug, twins who are a mix of Shi Tzu and some sort of Terrier. Must've been a Jack Russell Terrier because these girls can jump 4 feet vertically. They remind me of Tigger. Thanks Lil' Paws.

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Welcome Home Zara

Welcome Home Zara
Alina paints a banner to welcome home baby Zara.

Meeting Zara

Meeting Zara
Here we are at Civil Affairs to meet Zara for the first time.

Good Dog

Good Dog
Fantastic book.

Zara Lan Xin

Zara Lan Xin
Zara's referral pictures received on 11/2/06.


We'll miss you sweet Boo.