Sunday, December 3, 2006

Packing, Painting and Preparing

Alina, Paul and I spent the weekend preparing for our trip. We crammed 16 days worth of clothing and medicine for 4 of us in 2 large bags that could not exceed 44 lbs.

While Paul was away collecting the final items for our packing list, Alina and I painted a welcome home Zara banner for when we return from China. We hung it on the room that Alina and Zara will share.

Next, it was baking cookies, candies and other treats for the Lil' Paws bake sales next week. Medical care for the doggies we take in is expensive so we have to host bakes sales, wrap gifts and otherwise fund raise to pay for the surgeries. Alina said she wanted to bake LOTS of cookies so that we could raise LOTS of money for the puppies. I agree.

Then I read a wonderful new book to Alina to prepare her for the new addition to the family. We baby sat a 15 month old last night and I saw that she was a bit jealous. The book offered a really touching explanation that love is infinite and will never run out. Hopefully it will help her understand that we have enough love for her and Zara and a houseful of dogs. The book is called That's How Love is by Joan Howes with pictures by Charles Shaw ISBN 0-938349-62-7. Paul picked it up at our the Unity Church bookstore.

Time to go back to Target yet again for more items. This time a booster seat for Alina.

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Welcome Home Zara

Welcome Home Zara
Alina paints a banner to welcome home baby Zara.

Meeting Zara

Meeting Zara
Here we are at Civil Affairs to meet Zara for the first time.

Good Dog

Good Dog
Fantastic book.

Zara Lan Xin

Zara Lan Xin
Zara's referral pictures received on 11/2/06.


We'll miss you sweet Boo.